
2019-2020 Helping Students Revise Knowledge - Deliberate Practice Target Element

Ended May 31, 2020

Full course description

Deliberate Practice supports for instructional personnel are available through online Canvas resource
courses. The Deliberate Practice Canvas resources focus on the elements that most closely align to
strategies for literacy across content areas.
These elements are:
• Helping Students Process Content
• Helping Students Elaborate on Content
• Organizing Students to Practice and Deepen
• Helping Students Examine Similarities and Differences
• Helping Students Examine Their Reasoning
• Helping Students Revise Knowledge
The purpose of these Deliberate Practice resources are to support teachers with their selected element
by increasing their understanding of techniques and possible evidences associated with the target
elements, providing resources to assist with planning for the use of the strategies, and making
connections to the implementation of these instructional strategies when engaging in literacy-aligned
instructional strategies.
Once Deliberate Practice Plans are approved by administrators, teachers will be automatically enrolled if
they have selected one of these six elements for Deliberate Practice. The Canvas courses are also available
now for self-enrollment through the OCPS Canvas Catalog. Resources will continue to be added to the
Canvas courses throughout the school year. Teachers are encouraged to check the courses often to access
newly added resources and materials.