
Big Blue Button Video Conferencing Tool and ARC Video Management System- Feb. 21 Afternoon Session

Ended Mar 3, 2018
3 points

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Big Blue Button is a web conferencing solution for all OCPS employees that integrates with the Canvas Learning Management System. At the click of a button, you are able to create a session to enhance classroom learning, department and district-wide meetings.   Even outside speakers can be invited to your conferences. ARC is a video management system that allows users to upload and share videos inside of Canvas. ARC allows users to deliver video content to their participants in an interactive way instead of videos merely being a passive viewing experience. ARC also has the ability to monitor participants viewing which in turn allows the user to have accountable data.

Contact Information:

RBELC- 5th Floor, DDC on February 21st, 2018, 1:00PM - 3:30PM
445 West Amelia St., Orlando, FL 32801