SAP Grants Display

SAP Grants Display Series



Full program description

You must click Begin Course for each course in this series to complete enrollment.

There is no test. You can take the courses in any order and stop at any time.

The courses show you how to run finance reports that are available to school and district based personnel. You must have the Budget role for your work location in SAP to run any of these reports.

  • Customer Line Item Display FBL5N
    Use this procedure to view the total outstanding invoices by customer number.
  • Budget Status Summary Report ZF404
    Use this procedure to see how much you spent and how much is left in specific accounts
  • Budget Status Summary ZF403
    Use this procedure to run a Budget Status Summary Report.
  • Display Grant Group GM_SETS_GRANT3
    Use this procedure to Display Grant Groups for your school.
  • Grant Line Item Display S_PLN_16000269
    Use this procedure to see specific line item transactions against the Grant.
  • Grant Master Display GMGRANTD
    Use this procedure to look up Grant Master Display funding details.
  • Grants Budget vs Actual Line Item S_ALN_01000003
    Use this procedure to look up budget or expenses information.
  • Master Data Index for Grant Sponsors S_ALN_01000161
    Use this procedure to get information about a sponsor for a specific grant. Schools and departments can also use Master Index for Grants ZF546 to find sponsor address and phone numbers, if needed.
  • Master Data Index for Grants ZF546
    Use this procedure when looking for specific information for a Grant Sponsor, Address, and phone number.
  • Overall Budget vs Actual Totals GM_E_4GBA
    Use this procedure to view Overall Budget and expenses details.