
2019-20 Facilitated Discussion

Ended Jun 30, 2020

Full course description

Welcome to the facilitated discussion. This training must be completed with ALL employees in your school.

1) Run an employee roster report in SAP of ALL employees in your school and print. This includes your custodial, maintenance, food and nutrition services, interns, etc. staff.
2) Print the facilitated discussion questions.
3) Print the sign in sheets.
4) View the recorded video using the link in the course. The video is about 18 minutes in length.
5) Review and discuss the facilitated discussion questions with all staff.
6) Identify which employees were not present and follow up with them to complete the course.
7) Once ALL employees of your school have completed the training, scan all sign in sheets and the SAP employee roster.
8) Email the scanned sign in sheets and roster to safety&

Please contact us if you have any questions:
Email: safety&
Phone: 407-317-3468