DataView Reporting System Training Modules
Ended Aug 30, 2019
Full course description
Dear Orange County Public Schools Leader:
As a school or district administrator, you now have the keys to DataView. The keys to DataView welcome package is designed to inform newly appointed and transferring administrative leaders about their access to DataView and online training opportunities to promote the strategic use of data by school and district leaders. The aim of DataView is to support school and district leaders as they transition to their administrative roles with actionable and timely information to inform decisions targeting school improvement, increasing student achievement and closing the achievement gaps.
DataView provides data reports covering the five core areas of school improvement to include: a) student demographics, b) school culture & climate, c) student achievement, d) rigorous coursework and e) quality instruction. We are providing you with four DataView keys to assist you with accessing DataView and learning how to navigate the reporting system.
• Data Strategy IMS Resource Page
• DataView Data Dictionary
• OCPS Launchpad DataView Login
• DataView Canvas Self-Paced Online Learning Modules
If you have any questions or need additional support, please do not hesitate to contact us at or at 407-317-3210 extension 200-3210.
Best wishes on your new role.
Data Strategy Team