
2020-2021 Emergency Preparedness for Admin Sites (What to do in an emergency/SRP Biz)

Ended Jul 1, 2021

Full course description

An introduction to the Standard Response Protocol for Business (The Blue Book) that is used at non-school based administrative sites. This course also has information about what employees should do in an emergency.
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The Presentation
The video presentation is 16 minutes.
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Who is Required to Attend?
This training is mandatory for non-school based administrative and technical staff.
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Questions Regarding This Training?
Any questions regarding this training, please contact our main Safety and Emergency Management (SEM) line at 407-317-3468.
Emergency Preparedness Administrators are responsible for administrative sites that fall geographically within their learning community boundaries. If you are unsure who your EPA may be, please call our main line for assistance.

North: Nicholas Gerth - 200-2864
East: Penni Long - 200-2558
Southeast: Tiffany Islam - 200-4510
Southwest: Ursula Evans - 200-2892
West: Diane Hilliard - 200-2553